QIU Cheng Wei

Educational Qualifications

B. Sc., University of Science and Technology of China (2003);
Ph. D, National  University of Singapore & Ecole Superieure d’Electricite (2007) ;
Postdoc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008-2009)

Research Interests

1. Beam physics, tractor beams, and force between beam and particle;
2. Silicon nanophotonics, optomechanics, Fano resonance in silicons;
3. Graphene Metamaterials/Electronics, metamarerial antennas and waveguides chiral and birefringent materials;
4. Light-matter interaction, plasmonic resonance and light scattering of material;
5. Optics in two-dimensional materials.

Representative Publications            

1.“Full control and manipulation of heat signatures: Cloaking, camouflage and thermal metamaterials” Han T, Bai X, Thong JTL, Li B, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Advanced Materials advance online (2013).
2. “Three-dimensional optical holography using a plasmonic metasurface” Huang LL, Chen X, Muhlenbernd H, Zhang H, Chen S, Bai B, Tan Q, Jin G, Cheah KW, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Li J, Zentgraf T, Zhang S*, Nature Communications. In press (2013).
3. “Optimization-free Super-oscillatory Lens using Phase and Amplitude Masks” Huang K, Ye H, Teng J, Yeo SP, Luk’yanchuk B, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Laser Photon. Rev. In press (2013).
4. “Linear momentum increase and negative optical forces at dielectric interface” Kajorndejnuku V, Ding W, Sukhov S, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Dogariu A*, Nature Photonics 7, 787 (2013).
5. “Experimental verification of isotropic radiation from a coherent dipole sorce via electric- field-driven LC resonator metamaterials” Tichit PH, Burokur SN, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, and de Lustrac A, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 133901 (2013).
6. “Broadband all-dielectric magnifying lens for far-field high-resolution imaging” Jiang WX, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Han TC, Cheng Q, Ma HF, Zhang S, Cui TJ, Advanced Materials. DOI:10.1002/adma.201303657 (2013).
7. “Creation of Ghost Illusions Using Wave Dynamics in Metamaterials” Jiang WX, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Han TC, Zhang S, Cui TJ, Advanced Functional Materials 23, 4028 (2013).
8. “Dual-polarity plasmonic metaLens for visible light” Chen X, Huang LL, Muhlenbernd H, Li G, Bai B, Tan Q, Jin G, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Li J, Zentgraf T, Zhang S*, Nature Communications 3, 1198 (2012).
9. “Material-independent and size-independent tractor beams for dipole objects” Novitsky A, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Lavrinenko A, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 032902 (2012).
10. “A single gradientless light beam drags particles as tractor beam” Novitsky A, Cheng-Wei Qiu*, Wang H, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 203601 (2011).

QIU Cheng Wei