NG Teck Khim


I am an associate professor of practice in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. My research interest is mainly in geometrical computer vision such as 3D reconstruction from images and other geometry related computer vision topics. Application wise, I am interested in computer vision related technologies such as Markerless Augmented Reality (AR) and sports video analytics. I obtained my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 1999. My thesis topic was on reconstructing 3D large scenes from 2D images. My bachelor and master degree education was obtained from National University of Singapore, in 1992 and 1988 respectively. I was with the defence R&D for the Ministry of Defence of Singapore for almost my entire career before joining NUS. I also served a year in Media Development Authority as a Program Director in the Interactive Digital Media R&D Programme Office in 2007/8. Prior to joining NUS, I was the Head of Signal Processing Lab, DSO National Laboratories Singapore. My lab was doing image processing, computer vision and audio processing research for military applications.

Selected Publications
Yin Li & Teck Khim Ng,”Where is that Pixel in the Oblique-View Video?”in Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications in Computer Vision WACV, Lake Placid, NY, USA, 7-9 March, 2016. 
Awards & Honours
NUS School of Computing Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY14/15, AY15/16, AY16/17
NUS School of Computing Teaching Honours Roll AY17/18
NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2016/17
Teaching (2021/2022)
BT3017: Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
CS2108: Introduction to Media Computing
CS4243 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Semester 1)
IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise (Semester 1)
Research Areas
Research Interests
Geometrical Computer Vision
Augmented/Mixed Reality
Sports Video Analytics

NG Teck Khim