


NUSRI Management Committee

Prof Tan Eng Chye (Chair)


Prof Aaron Thean

Deputy President
(Academic Affairs)
and Provost

Prof Liu Bin

Deputy President
(Research and Technology)

Dr Tan Sian Wee

Senior Vice President
(Innovation and Enterprise)

Prof Chee Yeow Meng

Vice President
(Innovation and Enterprise)

Prof Susanna Leong

Vice Provost
(Masters' Programmes & Lifelong Education)
Dean (School of Continuing & Lifelong Education)

Prof Jessica Pan

Vice Provost
(Graduate Education)
Dean, NUS Graduate School

University Professor
Chong Chi Tat

Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science

Emeritus Professor
Lai Choy Heng

Physics Department,
Faculty of Science

Prof Hang Chang Chieh

Executive Director,
Institute for Engineering Leadership (IEL), College of Design and Engineering

Prof Shen Zuowei

Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science

Mr George Loh Chee Ping

Associate Vice President
(Strategic Partnership),
Office of the President


Programme Office

Mr George Loh Chee Ping

Associate Vice President

Ms Vivian Fu

Senior Associate Director

Ms Wang Lin

Senior Associate Director

Ms Sai Siew Huey

Senior Manager

Ms Lisa Li Shuo

Assistant Senior Manager

Mr Vun Bing

Management Assistant Officer