
NUSRI China History

NUS Research Institutes in China (NUSRI China) is in its 11th year since the establishment of the first research institute overseas. It’s a history of expansion and steady growth with the concerted efforts of many dedicated faculty and staff members both in Singapore and in China.

August 2011

NUSRI Suzhou established

The very first research institute in China which is independently operated and managed by NUS.

(Agreement signed in November 2010.)

August 2011

August 2019

TJU-NUS Joint Institute established

Located in Fuzhou Municipality, the Joint Institute is a strategic partnership between Tianjin University (TJU) and NUS.

(Agreement signed in December 2018.)

August 2019

April 2020

NUSRI Chongqing established

The first research institute opened by NUS in Western China, strategically aligned with the Singapore-Chongqing Connectivity Initiatives.

(Agreement first signed in September 2018.)

April 2020

December 2021

NUSRI Guangzhou

The latest NUS overseas research institute with the strategic focus on Research Translation and Innovation hosted by the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City.

(Agreement first signed in November 2019.)

December 2021